Meet the Beekeeper

An educational and marketing series for revolutionary beehive invention Flowhive

  • Organisation: Flowhive

  • Target Audience: Aspiring Beekeepers

  • Platforms: Department Website

We are proud to have worked with the Flow Hive Communications and Marketing team to help produce a 29 episode web-based marketing documentary series telling the stories of the Flow Hive community across the USA.

The Meet the Beekeeper USA Series, was filmed across 12 states of America spanning from New York to Hawaii. Traveling around the USA, Flow Hive Inventor Cedar’s sister Mirabai found Flow Hives in some pretty diverse locations... suburban backyards, rural ranches, magical secret gardens, and even on a rooftop in downtown LA. Each episode is a short documentary sharing the story of new Flow Hive customers and their beekeeping journey.

The content is designed to entice potential customers, educate new customers, consolidate customer community and promote the environmentally conscious philosophy of the Flow Hive product. Since commencement of the ‘Meet the Beekeeper’ series, Flow Hive youtube subscribers have increased from 40,000 to over 200,000. The video series contributed to Flow Hive being awarded the White Pencil award at D & AD impact awards 2017.

Binkyfilms was engaged in providing filming, audio and editing services in the project in collaboration with the internal film and media production team at Flow Hive.