Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Certification

An explainer video of the Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Certification process

  • Organisation: Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

  • Target Audience: School Teachers

  • Platforms: Website, Youtube, Facebook

We are proud to have collaborated with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) to produce this explainer video. Teacher certification plays a vital role in recognising teachers' dedication to students academic success.

Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers is an important element in a broader teacher quality strategy that develops, recognises and supports excellent practitioners. Formal recognition of exemplary teachers can make an important contribution to the quality teaching and leadership in schools. Teachers committed to improving their practice are vital to student success and contribute to their schools' advancement through modelling and leading others to improve practice. Certification at the higher career stages enhances the professionalism of teachers, enabling them to gain recognition for the quality of their teaching and progress their careers while remaining in the classroom.

Binkyfilms was engaged in providing filming, graphic and editing services. The project involved scripting and interviewing a number of key staff members as they explained the role and importance of the Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Certification process.